With Earth Day just around the corner, here are some resources to engage your students in important topics around conservation, climate and much more.
PARC Energy Kits & Materials
Request an energy kit on solar, wind, biomass, geothermal, hydropower
or electricity for your classroom. The goal of the curriculum is for students
to tackle real world questions related to maximizing energy from renewable sources.
[see resource]
Earth Day on Pinterest
A curated Pinterest board of Earth Day fun, including
math, science and writing activities and crafts.
[see resource]
Environmental Protection Agency: Climate Quiz
Are you a climate superstar? Take this climate change
quiz to find out your climate change personality.
[see resource]
Edutopia: Earth Day Lesson Plans, Activities
A list of resources that offer lessons, ideas, tips, and activities
that are perfect for Earth Day.
[see resource]
National Geographic: Introduction to Earth Day
Students explore environment issues that affect their
lives and brainstorm ways to make every day Earth Day.
[see resource]
Missouri Department of Natural Resources: Earth Day Kids’ Stuff
A compilation of games, crafts and activities for teaching
young learners about environmental issues and more.
[see resource]
National Education Association: Earth Day Curriculum
Explore new and review familiar ways to live responsibly
with these lessons, projects, activities, and games.
[see resource]
Scholastic: Earth Day Resources
A collection of teaching ideas, lesson plans, and student
activities to promote environmental awareness.
[see resource]
April 2017 | by, Myra Lopez