Rachel Ruggirello, ISP curriculum and assessment specialist, and Robert Blankenship, PhD, ISP faculty fellow and the Lucille P. Markey Distinguished Professor of Arts & Sciences at Washington University, were part of the team hosting the “Photosynthesis in Our Lives” event Aug. 11, 2013.
A precursor to a meeting of the International Society of Photosynthesis Research, the public event included hands-on demonstrations of “green” chemistry performed by bacteria and plants, and also 15-minute talks from renowned scientists on the relevance of photosynthesis to our global energy future.
Two local photosynthesis-focused research centers, the Photosynthetic Antenna Research Center(PARC) at Washington University and the Center for Advanced Biofuel Systems (CABS) at the Donald Danforth Plant Center, were also part of the event.
Read more here or read a story by Diana Lutz in the WUSTL Newsroom.