Welcome to the Institute for School Partnership
Through meaningful collaboration with schools and districts
we advance equitable quality education

Through ASSET Program, students see science that’s alive and active
“Science is something you do, not a bunch of stuff you memorize.”
Longtime biology teacher Jessica Rowe has always believed this, and she’s thrilled to be able to start biology classes for freshmen and sophomores at Francis Howell Central High School with an experience that is all about doing. They just need microscopes and an introduction to a single-celled microorganism with a BIG name: Tetrahymena.

Jefferson City’s first STEM school partners with ISP to become STEMcapable
Roller coasters are fun, but for safety’s sake, they must be designed, built and maintained by mechanical engineers. It’s a STEM career path that Adrianna Koty has enjoyed discussing recently with the fifth graders in her class at Thorpe Gordon STEM Academy in Jefferson City, Missouri.

ISP partners with MilliporeSigma to SPARK passion for STEM learning worldwide
Jacky Bransome is neither a scientist nor a teacher. But she happens to know that fireflies aren’t the best way to explain chemiluminescence to students living in her part of the world. Turns out that fireflies aren’t a thing in Gillingham, UK.

mySci Unit Awarded NGSS Design Badge
Using Our Resources Wisely, a fifth grade science unit developed by the Institute for School Partnership’s mySci program has been awarded the NGSS Design Badge.The Badge is awarded to top-rated science units designed for the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). Since 2017, only four other units, including mySci’s From Sun to Food, have received this honor at Grades 3-5.
As a member of the Washington University community it is our responsibility to address our regional challenges. We know that strong schools equal strong communities. We know students and teachers thrive when they have opportunities, resources, and support. We know our vision of educational equity is attainable.
Victoria May, Executive Director of the Institute for School Partnership