valuing science learning

For children to learn and love science takes time and intention One of many lessons I have taken away from the pandemic is just how critical basic science education can be to our daily lives. While both national and state education experts agree that hands-on science teaching and learning best set kids up for success, […]

addressing root causes

The gap in access to STEM education and careers is often talked about in terms of who.   Who is taught and affirmed around their STEM learning capabilities? When responding to this question, we usually reference girls, Black students and populations of students named as Students of Color. Who then do speak about when we think […]

It’s All About the Place

Patti Pyatt, an experienced fourth grade teacher, eagerly accepted the challenge of teaching at Meramec Elementary, one of the most under-resourced neighborhood schools in the St. Louis Public School District.   “It’s not easy,” she admits. “But we have been learning a lot because our school is part of the innovation zone. I’ve been making some […]

pride in STEM

A friend of mine worked as a research scientist at a prestigious university medical school.  Tona (name changed) was never sure if the hostilities from female colleagues were because Tona identified as lesbian/queer or because their preferred pronouns were they, them, theirs. Tona was targeted with hazing-like experiences in the workplace, such as having the […]

challenging narratives

In the education sector, we’re asked to accept a post-pandemic narrative that places blame for any and all challenges that schools face squarely on the shoulders of the pandemic. Those of us who have been closer to the work for a longer time–teachers, administrators, anyone with boots on the ground in schools–will confirm that as […]

embracing diversity

It is exciting to consider the potential that exists for our community with the successful launch of the Taylor Geospatial Institute, an endeavor that aims to transform St. Louis into the go-to region for geospatial science in the next ten years. This specific opportunity and any others that promise prosperity and growth for our region […]

impacting science learning

Making science lessons memorable and engaging for students involves not only extensive planning, but also the tolerance and time for mess in the classroom.  When I think of science, it’s always messy. There’s really not an easy way to engage students in science without allowing for this chaos. Having taught 5th grade at a STEM […]

math identity

“Oooh, oooh, I know!” Brittany’s hand shot up into the air as she wiggled her body from side to side in her chair, being careful not to tip over her desk. The teacher gave her a quick smile and surveyed the room. Only a few other students had their hands raised. She knew the problem […]

SLPS principal fellowship

On the first Wednesday of December the St. Louis Public Schools (SLPS) and the Institute for School Partnership (ISP) kicked off the SLPS Principal Re-Design Fellowship. This ambitious partnership between SLPS and the ISP aims to empower leaders within the SLPS community to dream big and be innovative in designing a new vision for their […]