valuing science learning

For children to learn and love science takes time and intention One of many lessons I have taken away from the pandemic is just how critical basic science education can be to our daily lives. While both national and state education experts agree that hands-on science teaching and learning best set kids up for success, […]

pride in STEM

A friend of mine worked as a research scientist at a prestigious university medical school.  Tona (name changed) was never sure if the hostilities from female colleagues were because Tona identified as lesbian/queer or because their preferred pronouns were they, them, theirs. Tona was targeted with hazing-like experiences in the workplace, such as having the […]

impacting science learning

Making science lessons memorable and engaging for students involves not only extensive planning, but also the tolerance and time for mess in the classroom.  When I think of science, it’s always messy. There’s really not an easy way to engage students in science without allowing for this chaos. Having taught 5th grade at a STEM […]