St. Louis Public Radio highlights Math314 program

What is there to say about the number 7? It’s odd, it’s prime. It can be reached by adding 3 + 4, 5 + 2 and 6 + 1. That may be how a teacher has a “math conversation” with young students under a new approach to math education piloted by Washington University’s Institute for […]

ISP's 2019 Otter of Code Challenge

If you visit any rivers or streams in Missouri, you may run across the energetic and playful North American river otter.  Otters live in riparian zones. These are areas where water, like lakes and rivers, meet up with land. Otters are picky about the environment in which they live.  They like unpolluted streams and waters […]

ISP to improve math education in local schools through Math314

Stagnant scores, frustrated students, daunted educators — such is the state of math education across the nation and in the region. That’s why the Institute for School Partnership (ISP) at Washington University in St. Louis is introducing Math314, an innovative professional development program that will improve math instruction and boost student enthusiasm and scores. The program already […]

ISP announces fall STEM discussion series

Fall 2019 STEM Discussion Series Join us on the second Wednesday of each month for our Blue Skies & Beyond: Hot Topics in STEM Discussion Series, led by faculty at Washington University in St. Louis. Discussion series is free and open to the public. Unless otherwise noted, all presentations will begin at 4:30pm at the mySci […]

Educators learn to meld science and literature at Washington University conference

More than 30 educators from across Missouri and Illinois gathered at Washington University in St. Louis to learn how to use STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) to bring literature to life, during a two-day Novel Engineering conference June 13-14. Designed by educators and researchers from the Tufts University Center for Engineering Education and Outreach […]

mySci Unit 21 earns highest award in science curriculum rating system

“It’s like winning a Best Picture Oscar in science curriculum instruction!” That’s how Jeanne Norris, curriculum coordinator for the Institute School Partnership at Washington University, describes a recent accolade for one of the mySci elementary curriculum units. mySci Unit 21: From Sun to Food, has earned the Next Generation Science Standards Design Badge from Achieve […]

New book explores history of ISP’s innovative mySci program

Think back to your elementary and middle school science experiences. What were you taught? How were you taught? Chances are, you may not remember much about science in your elementary school. In middle school, you might remember your textbook and taking turns reading the textbook out loud in class. Maybe you remember the occasional egg-drop […]

ISP celebrates Darwin Day, names new Kirk Teacher Fellow

There was cake, balloons and a rousing singalong of Happy Birthday. The man himself – Charles Darwin – stood off in a corner ready to pose for selfies. A birthday hat sitting atop his head. OK, it wasn’t the real Darwin, but a life-size cutout. However, the celebratory feel was real as 60 educators and […]

Like a spelling bee, but for neuroscience: WashU Brain Bee set for Feb. 16

Erik Herzog was starting to get concerned. He was deep into the oral portion of the 2018 St. Louis Area Brain Bee and the unthinkable was on the horizon: He was running out of questions. “The contestants had never performed so well in the past,” said Herzog, professor of biology in Arts & Sciences at […]

STEM TQ participants start popular STEM Facebook page

It’s often the case that teachers go to seminars and workshops and get really excited, but then life takes over and that energy fizzles out. That’s exactly what Lisa Graham, a K-4 special education teacher at Coverdell Elementary School in the City of St. Charles School District, and Jessica Lawrence, who teaches fourth-grade at Harris […]