When you support the Institute for School Partnership you support exceptional programs that advance educational equity and student
achievement in St. Louis area schools.
How you can help
$500,000 supports a multi-year, innovative research-practice partnership with schools to develop and assess problems of practice.
$250,000 supports school leadership development for teachers and principals.
$100,000 supports provision of mySci curriculum and kits for under-resourced schools.
$50,000 supports development and implementation of STEM professional learning for teachers.
$25,000 supports five teacher internships to develop cutting edge science curriculum in partnership with WashU researchers.
$10,000 supports two FREE Tech Saturday Workshops for K-8 educators.
$5,000 supports five class trips to participate in “Researcher for a Day” experience on WashU campus.
$1,000 provides learning supplies for one early childhood math or science classroom.
Gifts at any level can be used toward funds that support ISP programs. Your gifts help create a brighter future for our community by enhancing and increasing learning opportunities.
To learn more about other funding opportunities, planned giving, or other ways to support, please contact our team at: ispadvancement@wustl.edu.

Gifts to the Institute for School Partnership’s Annual Fund may be processed securely online (by credit card only).
Contributions by mail can be made in the form of a credit card or check, by completing the Gift Agreement Form.
For credit cards, please send a note with your credit card number, expiration date, name as it appears on the card and the amount you wish to give. It is important to have a signature on this note verifying your request.
To contribute by check, please make it payable to Washington University, note that it is for the Institute for School Partnership.
Send all mail contributions to:
To contribute by mail, send completed Gift Agreement Form and payment to:
(If using FedEx or UPS)
MSC 1082-414-2555
Washington University
7425 Forsyth Blvd.
Clayton, MO 63105
(If using USPS)
MSC 1082-414-2555
Washington University
1 Brookings Drive
St. Louis, MO 63130-9989