The School District of University City has taken a big leap in developing the next generation of transformational school leaders. Last summer, it named Jessica Hawkins and Deitra Colquitt co-principals of Pershing Elementary School. Both served as Teacher Instructional Leaders prior to their advancement. They credit the Transformational Leadership Initiative, a multi-year effort designed to […]
Tag: Transformational Leadership Initiative
Disrupt to Rebuild: TLI and SLPS Redefining Traditional Models of Leadership and Accountability
The Transformational Leadership Initiative has partnered with two Saint Louis Public elementary schools, Ashland and Meramec, to challenge traditional educational models of top-down leadership. More common in schools serving low-income and minority communities, these long-standing models enforce rigid, test-focused leadership which makes them less able to cope with day-to-day stressors and pushes educators away from […]
Video: successful first convening of Transformational Leadership Initiative

On January 16 and 17, 2020, the Transformational Leadership Initiative held its first international convening in St. Louis. The convening brought together over 100 education leaders from across the globe along with key partners. At the convening, participants celebrated the work of TLI school leaders, learned from dynamic speakers, observed deeper learning in action and shared […]