St. Louis Public Radio highlights Math314 program

What is there to say about the number 7? It’s odd, it’s prime. It can be reached by adding 3 + 4, 5 + 2 and 6 + 1. That may be how a teacher has a “math conversation” with young students under a new approach to math education piloted by Washington University’s Institute for […]

ISP's 2019 Otter of Code Challenge

If you visit any rivers or streams in Missouri, you may run across the energetic and playful North American river otter.  Otters live in riparian zones. These are areas where water, like lakes and rivers, meet up with land. Otters are picky about the environment in which they live.  They like unpolluted streams and waters […]

South City Academy teacher calls mySci program "a game changer"

The Institute for School Partnership’s mySci curriculum program is being used by students in nearly 250 schools in the Greater St. Louis region. Recently, we caught up with fourth-grade teacher Allison Webster, who was named the 2019 teacher of the year at Confluence Academy – South City. She’s been using mySci in her classroom for two years. Find […]

Institute for School Partnership seeks survey respondents

We are asking people to participate in a short online survey toward creating future communications and marketing efforts, and educating people about ISP programs. The survey looks at current communications efforts and the best way to keep people informed about new programs, news and more.The survey will be available online until October 30, 2019. If you […]

ISP hosts summer institutes to grow mySci educator leader opportunities

As the Institute for School Partnership’s innovative mySci curriculum program nears the 15 year mark, the ISP has started developing and supporting distinct leadership pathways for its mySci educators. Currently, districts and schools who partner with mySci are offered an ample array of professional learning opportunities. They vary from foundational learning opportunities to deeper learning […]

Educators learn to meld science and literature at Washington University conference

More than 30 educators from across Missouri and Illinois gathered at Washington University in St. Louis to learn how to use STEAM (Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Math) to bring literature to life, during a two-day Novel Engineering conference June 13-14. Designed by educators and researchers from the Tufts University Center for Engineering Education and Outreach […]

Spirits soar, sink at annual glider competition at Washington University

Two days before the Boeing Engineering Challenge on April 27 at Washington University, the unthinkable befell the Hawk Eye team from Lincoln Middle School in Edwardsville, Illinois.During a flight practice their wood balsa glider hit the gym floor and shattered. It was broken beyond repair. The team of sixth-graders had 48 hours to build a […]

Through STEMpact program, City of St. Charles School District develops successful STEM Academy

Teachers in the City of St. Charles School District have built a blueprint for successful STEM learning that could soon be replicated in districts across the St. Louis region. The winning formula is a three-year, multi-level STEM Leadership Academy developed as part of the STEMpact Integration Quality program or STEM IQ. The matching grant program […]

mySci program spotlighted on educational podcast

Rachel Ruggirello, associate director of the Institute for School Partnership and Jeanne Norris, K-8 curriculum coordinator for the ISP, recently joined The Rotten Apples Podcast and talked to host Amy Peach about the innovative mySci program that provides K-8 teachers across the St. Louis region a comprehensive science curriculum and the materials to conduct hands-on experiments. […]

What Makes a Rainbow?

Activity: Using a CD, a flashlight and a piece of white paper create your own rainbow reflec-tion. Start in a dark room and place the CD on the floor blank side of the CD up. Place the white paper on the wall and secure with a bit of tape. Aim the flashlight at the CD […]