ISP to host 2025 Educator Showcase

Educators from across the St. Louis region will participate in the third annual educator showcase hosted by Washington University’s Institute for School Partnership (ISP) from 4 to 7 p.m. Wednesday, May 7, 2025 in Holmes Lounge on WashU’s Danforth Campus. The ISP Showcase: Advancing Practical Research in Education will feature the work of regional teaching […]

Creating time, space for educators to deepen leadership bench on teams

When Principal Cryslynn Billingsley gathers with the teaching team at Jennings Senior High and College Prep Academy, she tells them something that is both daunting and empowering.   “I want you to think about your teacher self, your leader self and your learner self,” she says, promising to do the same herself.  As she works to […]

When encouraged to lead, teachers lean into what they know best: their students

Brittany Stephens was on the lookout for an old-fashioned rotary phone over the summer.  No stranger to kindergarteners or the classroom, Stephens is confident that having the clunky relic on hand will help kindergarten students in her classroom grasp the concepts of then and now.  “Being encouraged to think creatively and find the tools I […]

Building Pathways: The School District of University City Embraces Distributed Leadership

The School District of University City has taken a big leap in developing the next generation of transformational school leaders. Last summer, it named Jessica Hawkins and Deitra Colquitt co-principals of Pershing Elementary School. Both served as Teacher Instructional Leaders prior to their advancement. They credit the Transformational Leadership Initiative, a multi-year effort designed to […]

Disrupt to Rebuild: TLI and SLPS Redefining Traditional Models of Leadership and Accountability

The Transformational Leadership Initiative has partnered with two Saint Louis Public elementary schools, Ashland and Meramec, to challenge traditional educational models of top-down leadership. More common in schools serving low-income and minority communities, these long-standing models enforce rigid, test-focused leadership which makes them less able to cope with day-to-day stressors and pushes educators away from […]

Washington Magazine Spotlights Teacher Residency Program and ISP Role

By Diane Toroian Keaggy  October 12, 2020 The clock is ticking.  KIPP: St. Louis algebra teacher Josh Humphrey has 45 minutes to deliver his lesson on geometric sequences to his ninth-grade class — what they are, why they matter and how they differ from their mathematical cousin, the arithmetic sequence.  He moves methodically, first telling  students the […]

mySci Summer Professional Development Institutes 

We are excited to share our summer professional development offerings for mySci educators. Sessions are open to mySci teachers as well as administrators in mySci districts. Would you like to grow your science instructional practice this summer? Choose the professional growth option that suits your needs and aligns with your PD goals.  Intro to YOUR mySci: […]

Video: successful first convening of Transformational Leadership Initiative

On January 16 and 17, 2020, the Transformational Leadership Initiative held its first international convening in St. Louis. The convening brought together over 100 education leaders from across the globe along with key partners. At the convening,  participants celebrated the work of TLI school leaders, learned from dynamic speakers, observed deeper learning in action and shared […]

ISP hosts summer institutes to grow mySci educator leader opportunities

As the Institute for School Partnership’s innovative mySci curriculum program nears the 15 year mark, the ISP has started developing and supporting distinct leadership pathways for its mySci educators. Currently, districts and schools who partner with mySci are offered an ample array of professional learning opportunities. They vary from foundational learning opportunities to deeper learning […]

Q&A: Recipient of top biology teaching honor has WashU connection

Chuck McWilliams, co-director of Washington University’s Master’s in Biology for Science Teachers Program, has been named the 2018 Missouri Outstanding Biology Teacher of the Year by the National Association of Biology Teachers. The master’s program is offered through the university’s Institute for School Partnership and University College. For the past 24 years, McWilliams has been a teacher-leader in the […]