Join with your fellow educators in the celebration of the birthday of Charles Darwin.
Each year, the ISP hosts an event complete with lectures on cutting-edge research, small group workshops, educational resources and, of course, birthday cake. Check our events calendar at the start of each new year for more information on dates, times and speakers.
Past speakers include:
- John Hawks, University of Wisconsin-Madison, paleoanthropologist, 2019
- Eugenie Scott, National Center for Science Education, former executive director, 2018
- Briana Pobiner, Smithsonian Institution National Museum of Natural History, paleoanthropologist, 2017
- Jonathan Losos, Harvard University, Professor of Organismic and Evolutionary Biology, 2016
- Dr. Nicole King, University of California-Berkeley, Associate Professor of Genetics, Genomics and Development, 2015
- Dr. Sean B. Carroll, Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Vice President for Science Education, 2014

ISP celebrates Darwin Day, names new Kirk Teacher Fellow
Equipping teachers with the confidence and skills to teach evolution.