The mission of Math314 is to improve mathematics teaching and learning in our region by designing programs that develop educators who foster equitable learning environments. Math314 supports teachers in becoming learners and leaders who encourage inquiry, risk-taking and conceptual understanding by experiencing mathematics in rich and meaningful ways.
Let us help you achieve your goals!
Email schoolpartnership@wustl.edu or call (314) 935-6846.
We Do These Things
Math314 has identified several high-leverage instructional strategies for equipping teachers, coaches and administrators with the knowledge and skills to create a productive learning environment. Our professional learning strategies include:
- Assessing curriculum alignment with standards
- Determining vertical alignment with standards
- Planning and lesson design
- Selecting and modifying cognitively demanding tasks
- Engaging students in discourse around comparison and connections through multiple solution paths
- Assessing student work to guide instruction
- Coaching to build teacher capacity
Programs (Math314 programs are fee for service)
- Comprehensive and Customizable Multi-Year Learning Plan – Math314 will coordinate with a school partner district to customize professional learning over three years to strategically shift math instruction and provide long-term success.
- Specific Topics – There are short-term learning opportunities. Math314 specialists will work with the district to create a learning plan to systematically integrate the work into schools.
- Graduate Course Offerings – The ISP has made a determined decision to create sustainable career pathways for math teachers through a Certificate in Math Education and Masters of Arts in Education: Instructional Processes.
- Partnership with University of Pittsburgh Program – The ISP has partnered with the University of Pittsburgh’s Institute for Learning to develop this option. Math314 instructional specialists present the IFL’s “Thinking Through a Lesson” series with learning labs and content-focused coaching.

For questions about our programs or next steps to find out more, contact schoolpartnership@wustl.edu or (314) 935-6846.

ISP to improve math education in schools through Math314
Stagnant scores, frustrated students, daunted educators — such is the state of math education across the nation and in the region. That’s why the Institute for School Partnership is introducing Math314, an innovative professional development program.

St. Louis Public Radio highlights Math314 program
Math314 tries to help students do more than memorize math equations. St. Louis Public Radio highlights this innovative professional development program.