STEM TQ fosters a strong mindset for STEM integration. Teachers learn to STEMitize their curriculum; to see STEM is everywhere, and to see themselves as STEM-capable teachers and their students as STEM-capable learners. The program includes field trips to area employers where teachers experience STEM to career connections that they can pass on to students. Also included are field activities that allow teachers to experience first-hand how STEM can be threaded throughout all subjects and activities.
STEMpact’s formula for success is simple and unique. We’ve identified teachers as the critical link that can increase the amount of STEM education our students are exposed to.
Deborah Holmes – STEMpact Project Manager/Facilitator
Students whose teachers participated in STEM TQ perform better on standardized math and science tests than those students who learn in non-STEM TQ classrooms.
Access STEM TQ 2021-2022 Materials and Resources, HERE.
STEMpact is made possible with generous support from the following proud community partners: The Bayer Fund, James S. McDonnell Family Foundation, Ameren, Cigna Foundation, Emerson, Millipore Sigma, Spire, AT&T and the The Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company.
Questions? Contact us at info.stempact.org or 314-359-0377.