Raising proficiency and closing existing learning gaps in mathematics requires that districts support implementation of research-based practices to productively engage students. But we know that research alone does not impact practice.

STEMpact District Immersion (DI) is an ambitious effort launched by the Institute for School Partnership at Washington University in St. Louis (ISP) to support school districts in creating systemic change in mathematics education. Made possible with support from STEMpact and initiated in response to needs confirmed through ISP’s Math314 program, STEMpact DI is coordinating learning across math teaching teams in three area school districts: Ritenour, Mehlville and Maplewood Richmond Heights.
In Fall 2020, ISP and these districts formed the STEMpact DI Networked Improvement Community (NIC) to provide a deeper focus on instructional practices in math and find spaces for meaningful improvement. With support from a multidisciplinary team of ISP researchers and instructional specialists the NIC includes teachers, math leaders and administrators leading improvement efforts for their districts. The NIC embraces an asset-based approach to improvement, leveraging strengths as they deepen their understanding of the problem and associated systems.
Read more about the innovative work and outcomes of this program:

For more information about STEMpact District Immersion, contact Rachel Ruggirello at ruggirello@wustl.edu.
STEMpact is made possible with generous support from the following proud community partners: The Bayer Fund, James S. McDonnell Family Foundation, Ameren, Cigna Foundation, Emerson, Millipore Sigma, Spire, AT&T and The Employees Community Fund of the Boeing Company.