The mySci K-5 curriculum strives to develop the region’s next generation of scientific thinkers by engaging elementary students in science, technology, engineering and math (STEM) through interactive learning experiences and creative curriculum. Launched in 2005 with a generous grant from the Monsanto Fund, the curriculum program was developed by the Institute for School Partnership and local teacher leaders.
The K-5 curriculum is comprised of 25 units arranged by grade level and core science area. To encourage and model best practices and instruction, the units use the 5E Learning Cycle (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate) as the instructional model for its lesson plans. This model actively engages student in the learning experience. Each unit emphasizes scientific and engineering practices, focuses on a core disciplinary idea appropriate for the grade level, and encourages students to make connections using the crosscutting concepts. The learning progressions are intentional and enable students to build on prior knowledge.
mySci K-5 classrooms receive big, red kits neatly packed with everything a teacher needs for a given lesson from books to batteries to light bulbs. Pre-test and post-tests also help schools better students’ needs and predict performances on standardized testing.
mySci’s unique design makes it one of the most flexible science curriculums available. The lessons and activities of the units are integrated across subject areas and are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS), the Missouri Learning Standards and Common Core math and literacy standards.
Download free curriculum materials for Grade 5: mySci: From Sun to Food.
Already a mySci partner?
If you are a mySci Partner, press the red button to access the full units.
How do I adopt mySci K-5?
We want to create a plan that fits your school or district and your budget, and for that reason we customize everything we do. The first step in our process is to perform a Needs Assessment. This helps us identify areas where you excel and areas where resources can be better leveraged. Once the assessment is complete, we create a plan unique to you, with implementation and funding options.
As a mySci partner you have access to curriculum, student journals, pre-/post-assessments, lendable items, partner resources, and professional development opportunities. mySci units are available online in a format that encourages all teachers to share their creative adaptations, additions, and recommendations. Instructional materials can be fluid, living documents that, unlike textbooks, can be continually improved and adapted based on user feedback.
Interested in adopting the mySci program for your district? Contact Diane Pilla at dpilla@wustl.edu or 314-935-9856.
Each mySci K-5 unit:
- Integrates science, engineering, literacy and mathematics
- Encourages student dialogue and collaboration
- Utilizes a variety of methods for formative assessments
- Uses project-based approach to encourage students to apply their knowledge to real-world problems
mySci walks with educators every step of the way
We view each school as a partner in education. And as partners, we employ a team of experienced educators to deliver professional development tailored to teachers. Our strategy is simple and purposeful. In service to our partners, mySci offers in-school professional development at the start of each unit, keeping the content and strategies fresh in teachers’ minds.
Each session is kit-specific and designed to give teachers the confidence to lead their students through the content of the unit. Not only does our professional development give teachers confidence to teach each kit, but we also incorporate best practices aligned with the need of the teachers in each school.
mySci partners can customize their professional development from a range of topics, including scientific inquiry, using formative assessments, and developing science and engineering habits of mind. Above all, we want our professional development to empower educators to utilize best practices, inspiring students in science and engineering.

Along with written materials that are designed with best practices and comprehensive standards in mind, each unit is accompanied by a kit of hands-on science material.
Each unit contains:
- Materials organized by lesson for each use
- Grade-leveled books, integrating science and literacy
- pre and post assessment packages that allow educators to track student progress
This package helps teachers spend less time gathering materials and more time inspiring students through hands-on science.
mySci manages the kit process from beginning to end. Because structure varies from school to school, schools can select their own kit delivery schedule, along with number of kits per grade level and distribution among teachers.
With our local distribution facility, extra materials can be delivered to your school in a timely manner. Our facility also includes a classroom available for professional and curricular development meetings and a STEM materials lending service. Educators are free to use these services to enhance science teaching in their district.

Each mySci unit integrates science, engineering, literacy and mathematics; encourages student dialogue and collaboration and uses a variety of methods for formative assessments. The units take a project-based approach to encourage students to apply their knowledge tor real-world problems.
The units use the 5E Learning Cycle (Engage, Explore, Explain, Elaborate and Evaluate) as the instructional model for its lesson plans.

The lessons and activities of the mySci program are integrated across subject areas and are aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards, the Missouri Leanring Standards and Common Core math and literacy standards.
Each unit emphasizes scientific and engineering practices, focuses on a core disciplinary idea appreciate for the grade level and encourages students to make connections using the crosscutting concepts. The learning progression are intentional and enable students to build on prior learning.
Check out how we align: